The Code for Paldrome

"use strict"

//gets the element ID
const $ =(id)=> {
    return document.getElementById(id);

//check for palindrome
const checkForPalindrome =()=> {

    //regex to check if the user enters only numbers
    var onlyNumbers = /^[0-9]+$/;

    //get the user input
    let userString = $("userString").value;

    if(userString.match(onlyNumbers) || userString == "") {
        $("msg").innerHTML = "Please use a combinations of letters, numbers and symbols.";
    } else {
        //converts the string to lower case
        userString = userString.toLowerCase();

        //regex to remove spaces, symbols
        userString = userString.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '');

        //the array will hold the string reversed
        let revString = [];

        //reverse the string 
        for(let i = userString.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
            revString += userString[i];

        if(revString == userString) {
            $("msg").innerHTML = `${userString} is a Palindrome.`;
            if($("msg").classList.contains("alert-danger")) {
        } else {
            $("msg").innerHTML = `${userString} is not a Palindrome.`;
            if($("msg").classList.contains("alert-success")) {

window.onload = function() {
    $("check").onclick = function() {
        $("msg").innerHTML = "";

        $("userString").value = "";

The Code is structured in one big function.

The first function simply uses a return statement to grab the ID of a specific element, and return its value.

Then, using the arrow function expression, we declared a function called checkForPalindrome. We first have a regular expression inside this function that simply checks if the user enters numbers only. We will use this regular expression in a second. Follow this, get the user's input, and use an if/else statement and the regular expression above; we make sure the user only enters a combination of characters and if the input field is not empty.

If not of these applies, we continue in our way to reverse the value entered. First, we make the string lower case; then, we remove all symbols, spaces, or numbers mixed with the string value.

Once we have the string cleaned, we used an array to store the string reversed. To do this we used a for loop to iterate over the string, and instead of starting at the beginning of the string we start at the last position index of the string.

Using an if/else statement, we check if the string entered is the same as the string reversed, and we display a message to the user.

At the bottom of the script, we use the window object and the onload function to load the script after the DOM has completely loaded. We then insert an event listener that checks if the check button is clicked. Implementing a callback function we called the checkForPalindrome() function.